State And Regional

‘Disastrous consequences;’ ACLU of Ohio planning lawsuit to challenge ban on gender-affirming care

OHIO — The ACLU of Ohio announced that it will file a lawsuit challenging House Bill 68, according to a spokesperson from the union.

The union will challenge the provision that specifically bans gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors.

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: DeWine signs executive order banning gender transition surgeries for minors in Ohio

“We are preparing litigation to defend transgender youth and their constitutional right to receive medically necessary healthcare. The use of gender-affirming hormone therapy to treat transgender minors is supported by every major medical association in our country,” ACLU of Ohio Legal Director Freda Levenson said.

On Jan. 24, the Ohio legislature voted to override Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of this bill.

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Ohio House votes to override DeWine’s veto of gender-affirming care ban

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Ohio Senate votes to override DeWine’s veto of gender-affirming care ban

“Ohio’s law is an unconscionable attack on transgender youth and their families. Gender affirming healthcare is safe, effective, and necessary. We are prepared to go to court and defend the rights and dignity of transgender youth with every tool available,” ACLU’s Deputy Director for Transgender Justice Chase Strangio said.

The spokesperson said denying gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth lacks basis in medical science and would have “disastrous consequences” for the well-being and health of Ohio youth with gender dysphoria.

The ACLU will file the lawsuit to halt the law before it takes effect on April 23.

“Transgender youth, together with their doctors and parents, should have access to evidence-based medical care just like anyone else. Families should be able to make these private, personal decisions based on the advice of their physicians, and free from interference by politicians. HB 68 is not only cruel; it violates the Ohio Constitution and must be challenged,” Levenson said.

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: DeWine vetoes transgender medical care, sports bill

Additional details about the impending lawsuit will be made available soon, the spokesperson said.

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