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The Evening Edge with Todd Hollst

The Evening Edge with Todd Hollst

'The Evening Edge with Todd Hollst' is heard exclusively on 1290AM and 95.7FM WHIO, Dayton.

The Evening Edge with Todd Hollst 2.14.2025

My wife Mary on the show; Valentine's Day Spectacular; Romantic spots in Dayton; Smelling like donuts; Naming Valentine's Day Turds; Weird way to spend a birthday; Egg rationing continues.

The Evening Edge with Todd Hollst 2.13.2025

Is Dayton a dating mecca for young people; Googling heart-shaped stuff; Sleeping in silence is impossible for some; Sex Toy Attack--IN FLORIDA; Idea for Trucker CB quiz; Ohio Woman causing mayhem; Serial creepy 13-year-old.

The Evening Edge with Todd Hollst 2.12.2025

Dayton Mall Anniversary; Now where do I go to buy my SPANDEX AND FELT?; Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame Nominees; EGG Promotion or giving away a chicken?; WING IT WEDNESDAY with Laura Lafakis, from U.R.S talking about the 26th North Dayton Barstool Open.

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