
Xenia City Schools tax levy fails by one vote after recount, district says

XENIA — One of two Xenia Community Schools renewal levies has failed by one vote after a recount.

Those who lived in the district were asked to renew a 0.5 percent income tax for a period of seven more years.

When initial results from the Greene County Board of Election were combined with those from Warren County, where the school district reaches, the levy passed by one vote.

Due to the closeness of the results, a recount was required.

Election workers recounted the votes by hand as required by state law.

>> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Xenia school levy passes by single vote, recount triggered

Monday afternoon, the Greene County Board of Elections certified that the levy failed, according to a statement by Xenia City Schools Superintendent Gabriel Lofton.

Lofton said the district is “disappointed” by the outcome and said the uncertainty during the last month has been “stressful.”

>> RELATED: Outcome of Xenia City Schools tax levy still in doubt as ballots are being counted by hand

“Overall, I know that uncertainty about the outcome of the levy more than one month after election day has been stressful and confusing for our school staff and families, especially given the unusual circumstances of the certification,” Lofton wrote.

Lofton said the levies provide critical funding for the district and the district will make a decision in early 2023 about whether to put the levy back before voters in May.

A 2.15 mills street levy in Beavercreek was also up for recount after it passed by 80 votes, at this time it is not known if those results have been certified.

We have reached out to the Greene County Board of Elections for a statement and will update this story once we hear back.

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