
Ohio General Assembly to meet after DeWine orders special session

COLUMBUS — The Ohio General Assembly is scheduled to meet Tuesday after Governor Mike DeWine called for a special session last week.

>>RELATED: Ohio governor calls for special session to get Biden’s name on November ballot

As News Center 7 reported last week, he called on the state legislature to pass legislation to ensure that President Joe Biden is on Ohio’s 2024 ballot.

“Ohio is running out of time to get the sitting President of the United States on the ballot this fall. Failing to do so is unacceptable,” said Governor DeWine on Thursday. “It is important that when Ohioans cast their vote for President of the United States, United States Senator, and many other offices this fall, they have the opportunity to cast a vote for either of the major party candidates for those offices.”

While current Ohio law requires elections officials to certify the November ballot 90 days before the election on Aug. 7, Biden will not be nominated until the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19. Lawmakers then had until May 9 to pass a measure that could be signed into law.

>>RELATED: DeWine calls for special session to get President Biden on Ohio ballot

DeWine said he spoke to LaRose last week and he said we’re “up against a wall.” LaRose told him next Wednesday is the drop-dead deadline.

“I’ve waited. I’ve been patient. And my patience has run out,” DeWine said.

The last time Ohio lawmakers were ordered back to Columbus in such a manner was in 2004, under Republican Gov. Bob Taft, to consider campaign finance reform.

We will continue to provide updates.