
The Humane Society of Greater Dayton provides resources to domestic violence victims

The Humane Society of Greater Dayton, along with the YWCA Dayton and the Artemis Center are working together to help provide support, safety and hope to people and their pets in situations of abuse, the humane society said in a release.

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Victims and their children are now trapped at home with their abusers, as 90 percent of Americans are ordered to stay home through April, the Artemis Center said.

The domestic violence center says tensions may run high over worries about the virus, finances and uncertain futures.

The Humane Society of Greater Dayton has worked with the Artemis Center and the Safe Pet Shelter Program for 15 years to support those trying to escape abusive relationships.

The Safe Pet Shelter Program helps pet owners escape domestic violence while keeping themselves and their pets safe.

"So many domestic violence victims find comfort in the love of their pets. Unfortunately, some batterers abuse animals," said Susan Gottschalk, Family Violence Collaborative Director for the Artemis Center in a written statement. "Domestic violence victims sometimes tell us they stay with their abusers because they're afraid the abuser will harm their pets in the victim's absence."

The Humane Society of Greater Dayton works directly with these organization to arrange temporary housing for a pet while an individual or family works to relocate and safely move away from the abuse.

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If someone is in an abusive relationship and looking for a way to get out, the humane sociaty encourages them to contact a local advocacy center such as the Artemis Center or a domestic violence shelter such as YWCA Dayton.