
West Nile Virus detected in Miami County mosquitoes

MIAMI COUNTY — A batch of mosquitoes tested from Miami County by  the Ohio Department of Health has tested positive for West Nile Virus, Miami County Public Health said Wednesday.

“The positive group of mosquitoes was found on the south side of Troy near Waco Park,” the department said in a release.  “MCPH staff will survey the area to identify potential mosquito breeding grounds as well as to provide information on eliminating breeding grounds to residents in the area.”

The health department will be spraying within a one-mile radius of the positive mosquito test at Waco Park on Aug. 2 at dusk.

The department said this is the first positive test for mosquitoes in Miami County this year, but there have been no human cases reported in the county this year.

“The best way to protect yourself and your family from West Nile Virus is to avoid mosquitoes and mosquito bites by using EPA registered repellents when you go outdoors, or avoid outdoor activity during peak mosquito biting hours,” the health department said.

Ohio has had two human cases of West Nile Virus in 2018, Miami County Public Health said.

The department said it has been trapping and testing mosquitoes throughout Miami County this year.

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