
Greene County Board of Elections to certify recount Monday

XENIA — The Greene County Board of Elections Director, Alisha Lampert, said the board will reconvene Monday at 5 p.m. to certify the recount, according to News Center 7′s Gabrielle Enright.

We will know the results of the income tax levy for Xenia Community Schools and a street levy in Beavercreek by then.

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Outcome of Xenia City Schools tax levy still in doubt as ballots are being counted by hand

News Center 7′s John Bedell said election workers in Xenia were recounting votes Thursday in Xenia with millions of dollars worth of levies at stake in Greene County.

One month after the November election, we still don’t know the official winners of these two races:

  • An income tax levy for Xenia Community Schools and the original count showed it passed by a single vote.
  • A street levy in Beavercreek, it passed by 80 votes in the original count, close enough for a recount vote.

Election workers have to complete a hand count of five percent of total ballots to make sure they match, according to state law. Then, the entire vote will be re-scanned electronically and tabulated again.

>>RELATED: Xenia school levy passes by single vote, recount triggered

Alisha Lampert, the director of Greene County Elections, told Bedell they want the process to be finished just like voters who are waiting for the final results but says, it is not an instant process.

“If we miss one of the votes on the roll, then we have to go back through all those rolls for that location to make sure that we have all of them,” she said. “It’s a very long process. It’s labor intensive. We’re brought in as many seasonal (workers) as we can and we’re a small county with a small amount of people. So that’s why it’s taking so long.”

We will continue to keep tracking the recount with the Greene County Board of Elections. When they have the final results, we will let you know about it.

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