
‘Every person has infinite value;’ Pop-up warming shelter opens its doors to ‘unsheltered’ neighbors

SPRINGFIELD — Places across the Miami Valley are opening up centers and shelters for people to escape from the cold.

>>PHOTOS: Pop-up warming shelter opens for those to escape from cold temperatures

A pop-up warming shelter in Springfield has warm meals, a place to sleep, and clothes available for their “unsheltered neighbors.”

Vincent Taitague is staying at the shelter overnight. He’s been trying to tell people in the community the Salvation Army’s opening its doors.

“It’s places like this that no matter what, you’re still hopeful that you can make it,” Taitague said.

“We just feel like every person has infinite value and dignity, regardless of their situation. So we just want to show that,” Aaron Roy, Nehemiah Foundation Faith Community Response Team director said.


Roy is in charge of the pop-up shelters in Springfield.

He said close to 100 people stopped by the shelter on Monday and Tuesday.

They even helped some of the people with their long-term needs.

“We just need your name essentially. We just want to love on you. Then once we get them settled we say ‘Hey here’s some options about some longer housing opportunities,” Roy said.

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Some people may come in looking to escape from the outside but end up leaving with much more.

“We just feel like every person has infinite value and dignity, regardless of their situation. So we just want to show that,” Roy said.

For some like Taitague, they feel that.

“I have a problem with the word homeless. I might not have a house, but I’ve got a home,” he said.

Roy is looking for volunteers to help run the shelter.

For more information and how to sign up visit here.

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