
Van stopped for going 80 mph in I-75 Montgomery County construction zone

MONTGOMERY COUNTY — State troopers continue to crack down on speeding.

>>RELATED: State troopers ramp up patrols in I-75 construction zones

An Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) trooper recently caught a driver speeding in an I-75 Montgomery County construction zone, according to a social media post.

OSHP posted dashcam video on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).

It shows a Dayton Post trooper stopping a van for going 80 mph in a posted 55 mph active work zone with workers present on Southbound Interstate 75 at the 49-mile marker.

OSHP has issued nearly 37,000 citations in work zones in the last five years.

They are asking drivers to slow down and give crews plenty of room.