
‘Drive Sober’ kickoff campaign to take place today in Clark County

SPRINGFIELD — The Clark County Combined Health District (C.C.C.H.D.) is working with others to remind drivers to be safe on the roads.

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: From now through Labor Day, state patrol to focus on impaired drivers

The health district will be hosting a community kick-off event today to begin the annual ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ campaign, a health district spokesperson said.

It will take place at the Springfield Jazz & Blues Fest at National Road Commons Park in down Springfield from 4 until 6 p.m. today.

C.C.C.H.D. is working in conjunction with both AAA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (N.H.T.S.A.) during this campaign.

The annual awareness initiative starts August 16 and runs until September 4, according to the health district.

“Our priority is making Ohio’s roads safe for everyone. Troopers remain dedicated to removing impaired drivers from our roadways and educating motorists of the dangers it presents,” said Lt. Christina Hayes, Commander of the Springfield Post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. “If you do drink, plan ahead, use rideshare, or have a sober friend or family member drive you. One fatal crash is one too many. Any fatality is a tragedy that is someone’s family member.”

Clark County law enforcement will also be participating in the ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ campaign during Labor Day weekend.

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