
De Graff young man continues his holiday toy drive despite COVID pandemic

DE GRAFF — A local man has donated 35,000 toys over the past five years to children in the hospital during Christmas.

For 20-year-old Tyler Slaven, it’s his mission to bring Christmas cheer for sick children.

“It’s a joy to work with everybody for the same effort to put a smile on their face when they can’t be at home with their families for Christmas,” explained Slaven.

Slaven started the drive with his siblings five years ago when he was attending the Ohio Virtual Academy.

The toys go to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, the same hospital that treated Slaven was a baby.

Slaven donated 800 gifts his first year and has donated more and more each year, including 20,000 toys last year.

“Last year we were proud to more than double that again for our fifth year. It was very special coming at 20,283 total toys,” said Slaven. “That was a big moment for us.”

Despite the COVID pandemic, Slaven says the drive will go on.

“All of us felt like getting rid of a toy drive or cancelling was not an option,” said Slaven.

However, gathering the toys will be more difficult this year.

“On a normal year, we have donation boxes set out across the state. probably 100 boxes,” said Slaven. “It was tough decision but we had to turn away from doing that this year.”

They will be relying only on monetary donations to buy gifts.

Donations can be made here.

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