
Making a Difference: Local single mom uses own money to buy gift cards to small businesses, donates them all

RICHMOND — A Richmond mom has been using the pandemic to spread love and help her community.

The single mom with three kids wanted to do something for people who still had to go to work during the stay-at-home order.

Before businesses closed down for the stay-at-home order, News Center 7 anchor James Brown followed this good Samaritan around as she spread hope around the community.

She went around to small businesses in Richmond to buy gift cards from them, including restaurants and salons.

“I try to do 100-200 dollars everywhere I go to make a difference," explained the good Samaritan.

She says that hopefully buying these gift cards from small businesses might be just enough to get them through to the other side of the pandemic.

“It brings a lot of joy to give in times of uncertainty,” she explained. “There’s so much negativity going on right now, just nice to see smiles.”

Even more selfless, they then went off to deliver these gift cards to those on the front lines. First, they came across Bracy Ledford Jr. working at a small business.

“God sends the right people the right time work of God, yes indeed.. How you holding up, hanging tough, praising the Lord,” said Ledford.

The pair also donated to fast food and bank employees.

James never identifies the good Samaritan as it was a condition for the interview. She wanted to focus on what they were doing, not who was doing it.

“I don’t think I can put into words what it does to my heart, it makes me feel so much better," explained the do-gooder.

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