
‘We are so madly in love with him;’ Cat lit on fire beats the odds, finds new life at animal shelter

MIAMI COUNTY — About five months ago News Center 7 introduced the Miami Valley to a cat named Fotis, who had been intentionally set on fire.

Now, Fotis lives at Our Farm Sanctuary in Miami County and has beat the odds.

“At one point we were told he would have to be euthanized,” Sophia Kartsonis, director of Our Farm Sanctuary said.

To keep that from happening Fotis went through months of treatment.

“He received every sort of crazy thing you can put on a burn,” Kartsonis said.

>> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Area animal shelter seeking donations to assist cat who police say was lit on fire

Fotis was able to beat the odds thanks to people in the community wanting him to get better.

“We could not have done this without the public ... there has been so much evil done ... if it was going to be several thousand dollars, the money came in,” Kartsonis said.

Upwards of $20,000 was donated to Fotis’ recovery and with some of those funds, this little cat is going to be helping others.

>> PHOTOS: Cat lit on fire beats the odds, finds new life at animal shelter

She is so proud of how far Fotis has come.

“He is the most zen cat it’s almost like he’s feeling so safe and so lucky,” Kartsonis said.

She feels lucky he is still here.

“I held tight to hope because I didn’t know what else to do,” she said. “We are all so madly in love with him, it’s goofy.”

Fotis is still recovering a bit and once he is fully healed the plan is for him to become a therapy cat and help those recovering in hospitals.

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