
War in Ukraine: Ohio lawmakers react to Russia’s attack on nuclear power plant

DAYTON — Russia’s assault on a Ukrainian power plant, the largest one in Europe, has led to calls for the United States to increase support for the country.

Many are calling on President Joe Biden to increase sanctions and military aid to the people battling a Russian invasion.

Ohio lawmakers reacted to the attack and said what they believe the next moves should be.

Dayton Congressman Mike Turner and both Ohio senators Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman all agreed that U.S. troops should not be directly involved.

They all also agreed that we could do more to slow down Russia’s attack.

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“They’re hitting apartment buildings, hospitals, daycare centers,” Portman said.

Portman said the Russians are using indiscriminate shelling to terrorize and kill thousands of civilians.

“This is an atrocity and the USA has an opportunity here not just to led the free world, but to help Ukraine more,” he said.

Portman believes the attack on the nuclear power plant means the current sanctions are not enough,

He’s joining others to propose America stop all purchasing of Russian oil and natural gas.

“50 to 70 million bucks a day going to Russia? How does that make sense?” Portman questioned.

He believes that move alone would devastate Russian President Vladimir Putin’s economy.

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Earlier this week Gov. Mike DeWine signed Executive Order 22-02D into effect.

The order said that Ohio will not be investing or purchasing any materials that support Russia, including oil.

Congressman Turner is the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee.

Turner believes we need to provide military help, but not involve any U.S. service members.

“We should be giving intelligence to Ukraine so they can more effectively defend their own nation,” Turner said, “We should be giving them lethal weapons so they can fight.”

Turner said Ukrainians have already put up an impressive fight against Russia.

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Sen. Brown also agreed the U.S. should provide weapons but said he doesn’t want American and Russian troops to get into a shooting war.

Brown is working with Portman to take away Russia’s favored trading nation status with the U.S., which would include even more products than just oil and gas.

“We will essentially take away any advantage Russia might have had selling us those goods and we’ll look elsewhere,” Brown said.

“It’s critical we not just go on as if this is business as usual,” Portman said.

Ohio members of congress may be a little cautious on what they think we should do in terms of invasion.

However, they’re not shy about their thoughts on Putin, who Brown described as a madman, dictator and irrational.

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