
‘Every day is Memorial Day;’ Family of fallen Marine Corporal hosts annual 5K in his memory

MIAMISBURG — This weekend, more than 250 runners will take to the streets of Miamisburg to honor a fallen American hero.

As reported on News Center 7 at 6:00, Paul “Rocky” Zanowick’s family explained how they use this annual event to not only remember him but also help others in his name.

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In the home where Rocky grew up, you’ll find signs that show Memorial Day is more than just the last Monday in May.

“For us, for all the families that have lost loved ones for the cause of freedom, for us, every day is Memorial Day,” Rocky’s father Paul Zanowick said.

Marine Corporal Paul W. Zanowick II, or Rocky, was killed in Afghanistan on June 3, 2011.

To help bring purpose to their pain, the Zanowicks host Rocky’s Run for Freedom 5K, every Memorial Day weekend.

Each year, they donate to his son’s trust and two charities.

“The Blue Skies for (the) Good Guys and Gals (Warrior Foundation),” Rocky’s sister, Nicole Zanowick-Smith said. “And then we’re also doing this year the City of Miamisburg Veterans Memorial Park. So, we want to give back that way and help that park grow.”

This year, 10 of Rocky’s fellow Marines are traveling to Miamisburg for the run.

“It’s so heartwarming,” Paul “Rocky” Zanowick’s mom, Nanette Zanowick said. “It’s just really cool because those were the last guys who were with Rocky when he was killed.”

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The Zanowicks said they will always work to keep Rocky’s memory alive.

On Friday, the family started setting up for the run, as it keeps them distracted and busy during the hard times.

Nicole said the run brings everyone together, which is exactly what they need during this time of year.

“The saying is that a man dies two deaths. The first one is when he stops breathing. The second time is when they say his name for the last time. So, it’s been our mission, Nicole, Nanette, myself, and my mission for sure for as long as I’m living that his name is said so he’ll stay alive. He’ll stay with us until the day I die. And hopefully, because of what we’re doing in getting his name out there and his legacy, his name will live beyond us, and he’ll be remembered,” Paul said.

Rocky’s Run for Freedom will start at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 25.

For more information or to sign up for Rocky’s Run, click here.

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