
Vandalia Pearl Harbor survivor celebrates 100th birthday at VFW

A Vandalia Pearl Harbor survivor celebrated his belated 100th birthday on Veterans Day.

Frank Ruby woke up to the Japanese attack on Dec. 7, 1941.

>> Pear Harbor survivor: ‘I thought this was going to be my last day’

Although his birthday is Nov. 1, family and friends thought it would be fitting to celebrate the veteran and all the other American heroes Saturday at the VFW on Wilmington Pike.

“They give their lives, dedicate their lives to the mission to keep us safe and to keep us free,” Ruby’s daughter Linda Kelly said. “Veterans Day is a day we can honor them.”

>> Dayton-area Pearl Harbor survivor turns 100

More than 2,000 U.S. service members were killed at Pearl Harbor and another 1,200 were wounded.

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