DNC 2016: Speakers take stage on night 3 of convention

The third day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia began at the Wells Fargo Center at 4 p.m. Wednesday.

Scheduled to speak tonight are Tim Kaine, Sherrod Brown, Michael Bloomberg, Vice President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama and others.


10:38 p.m.:

President Barack Obama is expected to take the stage shortly.

9:52 p.m.:

Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Kaine is expected to speak shortly.


9:48 p.m.:

Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown has been bumped from tonight’s schedule of speakers, according to reports. He may bump to Thursday.


9:34 p.m.:

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has taken the stage.

Bloomberg said its imperative to elect Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States.

Bloomberg said he doesn’t look at the party label when he casts his ballot.

He said the American people are carefully considering their choices.

MORE: DNC Night 3 – NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg

He said he’s had his disagreements with Hillary Clinton, but said he must put those aside for the good of the country.

Bloomberg said, “I believe we need a president who is a problem solver, not a bomb thrower.”

He says Hillary Clinton always listens.

He talked about Trump’s bankruptcies.

“Trump says he wants to run the nation like her’s run his business,” Bloomberg said. “God help us.”

Bloomberg called Trump a hypocrite.

“The bottom line is: Trump is a risky, reckless, and radical choice. And we can’t afford to make that choice,” Bloomberg said.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary Clinton is the right choice this November,” he said.

9:13 p.m.:

Biden said he’s known Hillary Clinton for over 30 years.

He said he had breakfast with her once a week at his home while he’s served as vice president.

Biden said he knows Clinton and what she’s passionate about.

“Ladies and gentleman, we all understand what it will mean for our daughters and granddaughters when Hillary Clinton walks into the oval office,” Biden said.

Biden said Clinton has always been there for the American people.

“It’s her life story,” he said.


Biden said Trump doesn’t care about the middle class.

“This guy doesn’t have a clue about the middle class. Not a clue,” he said.

The crowd began a chant of “not a clue.”


Biden said Trump has no plan to protect the American people.


9:08 p.m.:

Vice President Joe Biden has taken the stage.

Biden said he and President Obama have become friends since the start of the administration eight years ago.

He said Obama is “one of the finest Presidents we’ve ever had.”



9:01 p.m.:

Dr. Jill Biden is now introducing Vice President Joe Biden.

8:49 p.m.:

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has taken the stage.

He calls Hillary Clinton strong and courageous.

“Hillary was clear: We have to go after Bin Laden,” Panetta said.

Some in the crowd chanted “no more war” during Panetta’s speech.


He ripped Trump saying he asked Russia to hack American resources to affect an American election.

“Donald Trump cannot become our Commander in Chief,” Panetta said.

8:45 p.m.:

Kristen Kavanaugh has taken the stage at tonight’s event.

She is speaking about the military and said Hillary Clinton has the ability to “lead with a steady hand.”

“I do not trust Donald Trump,” Kavanaugh said.

She said our nation can not afford to get this election wrong.

8:35 p.m.:

Admiral John Hutson has taken the stage and said he knows a lot about law and order.

Hutson said Trump will violate international law.

He called out Trump for inviting Russia “to hack us.”

He said Trump would abandon our allies.

Hutson said, “Donald, you’re not fit to polish John McCain’s boots.”


Hutson said to choose Hillary Clinton when Americans cast their ballots.

8:22 p.m.:

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has taken the stage.

“Strong women get things done,” Giffords said.


“In the White House, she will stand up to the gun lobby,” Giffords said. “That’s why I’m voting for Hillary.”

MORE: Giffords and Kelly speak on night 3

8:15 p.m.::

NASA Astronaut Mark Kelly has taken the stage.

“At war and in space, I saw the awesome extent of American power and capability,” Kelly said. “Just as Hillary is prepared to defeat ISIS, advance our values, and protect our freedoms, Hillary is ready to take on one of our country’s greatest moral failures at home.”

Kelly said that is the gun violence he said is tearing our communities apart.

He is also introducing his wife Gabrielle Giffords.

8:11 p.m.:

Actress Angela Bassett has taken the stage and is speaking about the shootings in Charleston, South Carolina at a church.

Bassett introduced two survivors from the shooting.

8:07 p.m.:

Former Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey has taken the stage and is calling for “common sense” action on gun control.

He said we need to protect our officers from being out-gunned by “weapons of war.”

“That’s why I’m with Hillary Clinton,” Ramsey said.


She supports the assault weapons ban.

“Those that aim to do harm shouldn’t get a handgun, let alone an assault rifle,” Ramsey said.

8:03 p.m.:

Erica Smegielski, daughter of the principal of Sandy Hook who was killed while trying to protect her students.

She urged Americans to vote for Hillary Clinton who she believes will fight against the gun lobby in Washington.

8:02 p.m.:

Sen. Christopher Murphy took the stage to speak about the Sandy Hook school massacre and gun control legislation.

“Hillary Clinton pledged to take Washington back from the gun lobby,” he said.


7:50 p.m.:

Fighting back tears, Christine Leinonen, mother of Orlando Pulse shooting victim Christopher Leinonen, took the stage.


“It takes about 5 minutes for a church bell to ring 49 times, I know this because my son and his boyfriend and 47 others were murdered at a club in Orlando,” Leinonen said.

She said her son was a big Hillary supporter.

7:41 p.m.:

California Gov. Jerry Brown took the stage to speak about climate change.

Brown said it will take many people and many nations to combat climate change.


He said Trump did not mention climate change once during his time at the RNC.


He said we need Hillary as the next President of the United States.

7:35 p.m.:

Actress Sigourney Weaver took the stage to introduce a video on climate change.

7:29 p.m.:

Martin O’Malley has taken the stage.

“To hell with Trump’s American nightmare. We believe in the American dream,” O’Malley said.

He said Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton will move the country forward together.

7:11 p.m.:

U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego has taken the stage and is speaking about his service as a Marine.

“Donald Trump is a man who questions the loyalty of those who serve our country,” Gallego said.

He called Trump a “scam artist” referring to Trump University.

He called Hillary Clinton the “real deal.”

MORE: Gallego takes stage on DNC night 3

“She has a real plan,” he said.

Gallego slammed Trump’s plan for foreign policy.

7:05 p.m.:

California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom spoke about Trump’s RNC nomination acceptance speech calling it long with so little substance.

He called Pence the “most anti-LGBT governor.”

7:01 p.m.:

Sen. Harry Reid has taken the stage.

Reid called Trump a “hateful con man.”


He said his team has fought for health care, Wall Street reform and Social Security.

He said he advised intelligence officials to give Trump fake briefings if they have to give him briefings at all.

6:28 p.m.:

Flint Mayor Karen Weaver has taken the stage.

She talked about the Flint water crisis and she said the funding her city needs to repair their drinking water system is “blocked” by the Republican congress.

She said Hillary is supporting the people of Flint and the fight to rebuild.

6:15 p.m.:

Civil Rights Activist Jesse Jackson has taken the stage.

Jackson said he supports Hillary Clinton, but also commended Bernie Sanders for bringing energy to the campaign.

Jackson called for a ban on assault weapons.


Jackson called for all Americans to come together.

“It’s healing time. It’s hope time,” Jackson said. “It’s Hillary time.”


5:50 p.m.:

Rep. Den Ray Lujan has taken the stage at tonight’s convention.

Lujan said that the Republican majority in congress has been more worried about party than what they’ve actually accomplished.

5:33 p.m.:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has taken the stage.

The mayor was the campaign manager for Clinton’s first run for senate.

de Blasio slammed Trump saying he “stiffed” his contractors.

He said Hillary Clinton is ready to be the next President and called Trump “reckless” and “scary.”

5:27 p.m.:

Brooks Bell, a technology entrepreneur from North Carolina, has taken the stage.

Bell said Clinton is the person the U.S. needs on the first day the next President takes office.

“I’m worried, terrified what might happen if we elect Trump,” Bell said.


Bell slammed Gov. Mike Pence for signing a “discriminatory” piece of legislation in Indiana that she said has had a negative impact on the state’s economy.

5:15 p.m.:

Judy Chu, the first Chinese/American to be elected to congress.

“We’ve got to elect Hillary Clinton as our next President of the United States,” she said.

“On immigration reform, she gets it,” Chu said, referring to Clinton.

Chu also said Clinton understands many of the issues she believes are important to the 2016 election.

5:12 p.m.:

Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum took the stage in support of Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton has shown us her heart,” he said.

5:03 p.m.:

Illyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America has taken the stage.

Hogue spoke about her abortion.

“It’s not as easy as bad girls have abortions and good girls get families,” Hogue said.

She slammed Gov. Mike Pence for his stance on abortion.

5:00 p.m.:

Rep. Maxine Waters, of California, has taken to the stage.

“I have no problem giving Bernie Sanders credit for our progressive platform,” Waters said.


Waters said Hillary Clinton will stand up for our police and police policies and she also said we must address the shootings of unarmed people.

“Black lives matter,” she said.

4:50 p.m.:

Eleanor Holmes Norton is speaking now.

She is calling for the District of Columbia to become the 51st state of the United States.

4:44 p.m.:

Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, of New Mexico, has taken the stage.

“I trust Hillary Clinton to keep us safe,” she said.

Grisham said when women succeed, America succeeds.

4:41 p.m.:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has taken the stage and said the Democratic party is the “we the people party.”

Lee also said the Republican candidate for President, Donald Trump, is the candidate of fear.

4:30 p.m.:

Senator Tim Kaine has officially been nominated as the vice presidential candidate for the Democratic party.

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