
Making a Difference: Local man takes recycling to another level

Mike Fanelli started his journey to reduce, reuse and recycle nearly ten years ago.

News Center 7′s James Brown spoke with Fanelli about his decade-long journey into reducing his waste.

He and his wife were able to reduce their trash by 90 percent, and it all started with one question:

"Before I put in the trash, can it have another use or be recycled? 99-percent can re reused or recycled. "

He started with a composting pile where he tosses everything from banana peels to coffee grounds.

Now, Fanelli and his wife recycle 60 percent of what they bring into their home, compost 25 percent and repurpose 5 to 10 percent.

Fanelli enjoys repurposing some of his waste, like CDs into art.

He hopes that his journey inspires others to start recycling and repurposing.

“Yes I’m trying to live in my corner of the world, but I’d like to pass along things I’ve learned, taken me 10-years to get here,” said Fanelli.

He encouraged people who were interested in learning more to take a class at Five Rivers Metroparks to help get started on the path to sustainability.

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