
Oakwood residents welcome and enjoy the cicadas this season

OAKWOOD — Homeowners around the Miami Valley are beginning to see cicadas appear in their yards.

An Oakwood resident, Chuck Weir, has hundreds of cicadas popping up in his lawn.

“I don’t use any lawn chemicals and I think for that reason alone it allows the cicada bloom to really take bloom,” he said. “I do not use any artificial treatments or anything like that.”

Weir and his neighbors have welcomed the cicadas seeing them as celebrated guests, instead of a nuisance.

“Yeah it is incredible. You got to love them. It is like a song at night listening to the cicadas so it is a good thing because you do not get to see it very often,” Weir said.

Kathy Hogan, another Oakwood resident said she too has been waiting for the cicada emergence and that even as an experienced gardener it has been a unique thing to see.

“I think it is neat. I like to look at their eyes. They say they can make different sounds too but I haven’t heard that but its like oh my god they are everywhere,” Hogan said.

Another neighbor said that most of the houses on the Oakwood block that Hogan and Weir live on are not only 100 years old but all of their front lawn areas are virgin soil, so even when the neighborhood was being built the yard areas were left undisturbed. This detail makes the yards especially comfortable for the cicadas to live under ground before they emerge.

Cicadas have no ability to sting or bite with the only warning being that pets should be kept from turning them into treats as it might make them sick.

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