
‘No Wawa;’ Neighbors say no to another gas station proposal in Miami Valley

FAIRBORN — The community is saying no to yet another gas station trying to set up shop in the Miami Valley.

News Center 7′s Kayla McDermott went to Fairborn where people shared their concerns over plans to build a Wawa.

“We don’t need more gas stations. It feels like we’re becoming the city of the gas station,” Victor Weaver said.

Currently, the area of the 2.2-acre lot is quiet with nearly no traffic for the neighborhood across the street.

“This is probably one of the quietest neighborhoods in Fairborn and we just don’t want to see it ruined,” Weaver said.

Or deal with hundreds of cars a day.

>> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Fairborn city council votes against Wawa gas station proposal

“Just cause a lot of confusion and a lot of necessary traffic,” Dave Scheppan said.

That’s why community members showed up to the city council meeting Monday night to tell city leaders how they felt.

“Just standing room only and overwhelmingly they told the board ‘No Wawa,’” Scheppan said.

Weaver said he was surprised when city leaders listened.

“Fairborn city council showed that they are different and they are actually doing the citizens will versus just chasing money,” he said.

With children living a couple of hundred feet of the space, neighbors said they hope to see the space transformed into something safe.

“I’m not against the small business going in here. Are you in a small store, you know, something like that, but to put in a place like Wawa,” Scheppan said.

A spokesperson for Wawa said they are committed to Ohio and Fairborn and hope to still set up a store in the community.

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