
There Is A Season with Bob and Gloria

Listen to There Is A Season Show every Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on 1290 and 95.7 WHIO.

There is a Season was designed to serve as an information resource and network for individuals concerned about planning for life changes, aging and the care of their families. Among our topic "categories" are:

  • Health, Medicine and Wellness
  • Financial, Legal and Insurance Issues
  • Property and Residential Considerations
  • Building Better Family Relationships
  • Personal, Lifelong Enrichment & "Becoming"

The There is a Season Radio Show was the first element in this resource “family,” followed by this web site. In the near future, we hope to expand the There is a Season platform with additional tools, partner experts, seminars, publications, multi-media and other services and products that help individuals and families live fuller, richer lives, less encumbered by last-minute crises, misunderstanding, and heartache. We appreciate your support as we all figure out how we change, how we age, and how we care for one another. Thank you.

Bob Wolfe, Host/Executive Producer

Bob is a longtime research, marketing and media professional who has made Ohio is home for over 30 years. He has conducted hundreds of interviews and in-depth research with individuals and families, business and consumer clients, and celebrities from Congressman Mike Turner to musician John Legend. He has also worked with dozens of healthcare, technology, government, education and non-profit organizations, translating their business goals into successful, award-winning campaigns. His passion for bringing light to the challenges of change, aging and care that affect families goes back years. His work in media and particularly in radio led him to comment:

“With all that is discussed in talk radio these days - politics, sports, money, home improvement, gardening, cooking - why are we not also talking about some of the biggest, thorniest issues facing our families and society today? We’re getting older and living longer. Many are starting families later, and the role and impact of the traditional family has changed. What will we do with the latter decades of our lives? What legacy will we leave our children? Can we prepare better? Are we properly focused on relationships and caring? These are the things Gloria and I have talked about in our own families and with each other. We just figured that moving our “kitchen conversations” to the airwaves made sense. I hope our listeners agree.”

Gloria Shanahan, Co-Host and Researcher Director

Gloria is a native Midwesterner who has also made Ohio her home for many years. Having survived a terrible car accident years ago and more recently, having beaten cancer, she knows only too well how precious each day of life is. Trained in special education and serving for years as a caregiver, Gloria has always sought to infuse a combination of tenderness, friendship and inspiration into her work and personal relationships. Having seen her own family and her friend's families wrestle with a variety of change, aging and care issues, she also passionately believes there is much we can share with each other- and much we can learn- in dealing with some of life's most pressing challenges:

“Doing There is a Season was simultaneously foreign and familiar to me at first. I had not worked in radio, but as my friends will tell you, I’ve never been short of words. When Bob and I realized we were talking about a lot of the same kinds of things...when similar topics kept cropping up in conversations within our respective families and all around us...we realized that it was time to explore having a more public conversation about change, aging and how we’re caring for each other. Every day I’m convinced others want to join this conversation, too.”

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