
Multiple states surrounding Ohio confirm cases of coronavirus


Indiana, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania have all confirmed cases of coronavirus on Friday.

Pennsylvania has confirmed its first 2 cases, according to state Governor Tom Wolf and state officials and the Associated Press.

Kentucky Governeor Andy Beshear has confirmed the state’s first case in Lexington and has declared a state emergency, according to our news partner at WCPO.


The first case of coronavirus has been confirmed in Indiana.

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb declared a public health emergency in Indiana related to the confirmed case, according to our affiliates at CBS 4 in Indianapolis.

The person diagnosed recetnly travled to Boston and interacted with people who had been exposed, Indiana State Health Commissioner Kristina Box told CBS 4.

The individual is quarantined and will remain so for 14 days.

>> Coronavirus: 3 people in Ohio being tested for coronavirus, under quarantine

In Ohio, three people are currently under investigation and quarantined. We could learn as early as today results of their tests.

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