State And Regional

How much you have to make to qualify for the middle class in Ohio

OHIO — Are you in the American middle class?

>>Inflation ticked up in July, reversing some progress in fight to slow price hikes

With inflation surging over the past few years, people are stretching their bank accounts thin.

The middle class is receiving a lower share of income than people 40 to 60 years ago, according to inflation data aggregator Truflation.

The Pew Research Center has calculated the minimum annual income in each state considered middle class while supporting a family of four.

In Ohio, you need to be making $61,664 to be considered middle class.

Neighboring states have a similar amount necessary to be considered middle class. Those include:

  • Michigan: $64,130
  • Indiana: $62,897
  • Kentucky: $61,664
  • West Virginia: $59,197
  • Pennsylvania: $67,830

The most expensive state to be considered middle class is Hawaii at $82,630.

How the other states rank:

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