Golden retrievers- Researchers have found two genes related to cancer (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) Golden retrievers- Researchers have found two genes related to cancer (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) (jonathandavidsteele)
Bernese mountain dogs- Study shows relationship between joint disease and later cancer development (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) Bernese mountain dogs- Study shows relationship between joint disease and later cancer development (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) (Christopher Kimmel)
Boxers- Recent survey found brain cancer more common in this breed (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) Boxers- Recent survey found brain cancer more common in this breed (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) (SStajic)
Scottish terriers- Study shows increase for bladder cancer, but can be prevented with increase in vegetables to diet (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) Scottish terriers- Study shows increase for bladder cancer, but can be prevented with increase in vegetables to diet (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) (MayWhiston)
Bouvier des Flandres- Predisposed to gastric carcinoma, a type of stomach cancer (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) Bouvier des Flandres- Predisposed to gastric carcinoma, a type of stomach cancer (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) (Liete)
Rottweilers- Predisposed to developing bone cancer, due to large bone structure (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) Rottweilers- Predisposed to developing bone cancer, due to large bone structure (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) (dageldog)
Rhodesian ridgebacks- Higher risk of several types of malignant tumors, including soft tissue sarcomas (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) Rhodesian ridgebacks- Higher risk of several types of malignant tumors, including soft tissue sarcomas (credit: Morris Animal Foundation) (tkatsai)
Irish setters- Predisposed to development of insulin-producing tumpors, called insulinomas. These turmors arise in the pancreas. (Credit: Morris Animal Foundation) Irish setters- Predisposed to development of insulin-producing tumpors, called insulinomas. These turmors arise in the pancreas. (Credit: Morris Animal Foundation) (eAlisa)