Local political studies expert respond to grand jury indictment of former President Trump

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CEDARVILLE — Thursday, a Manhattan Grand Jury voted to indict former President Donald Trump, and we spoke to an area expert about what that means for Trump.

Doctor Mark Caleb Smith, Director of the Center for Political Studies at Cedarville University, sat down with us to discuss what this means for Trump’s bid for re-election.

>>Ohio lawmakers respond to grand jury indictment of former President Donald Trump

When questioned if this indictment will hurt or help other republican candidates Smith said in theory it should help them.

“It will probably strengthen him in the short term, said Smith. “He has a very strong relationship with his base- I think it’s fair to say the base has dwindled just a little bit over the past six months to a year. But I do think it will damage him in the long term.”

>>Grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump

“It should make President Trump more vulnerable to attacks. But so far we’ve seen them sort of rally around the former president’s, as opposed to using this as an opportunity to attack him,” Smith explains. “They are trying to walk this very fine line that still appeals to his supporters, that are very numerous, but at the same time distinguish themselves.”

Smith tells us he feels like republicans who support Trump, at the moment, may change their minds as the indictment progresses forward.