Majority of full-time Springfield City School District employees say they will get vaccinated

SPRINGFIELD — A recent survey shows that nearly 80 percent of the full-time employees at the Springfield City School District say they will get the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.

Approximately 765 of the 1,000 full-time employees who responded to a survey sent out by SCSD earlier this month said they would be interested in receiving the vaccine.

In total, just under 3,000 employees across all Clark County school districts have indicated they would be interested receiving the vaccine.

SCSD Superintendent, Dr. Bob Hill believes the district has the “obligation to step up and lead by example” for the other school districts across Clark County. He said the survey’s results show the staff’s dedication to safety.

>> Mass vaccination clinic held at Centerville HS for teachers, school workers

“I’m very proud of the patience and perseverance shown from our teachers, staff and administrators since last March,” Hill said in a press release. “We are hopeful that we are inching closer in our quest to get back to a state of normalcy.”

The district is scheduled to be distributed their vaccines the week of Feb. 8.