Fall color continues to develop

Warmer weather in October so far has helped to delay our fall color season, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The good news is the transitions to some cooler weather and some sunny days should help put us back on track!

The latest report from the week of October 21 shows all our area state parks are reporting changing fall colors. This means only about 25 percent of the tree canopy is showing color. Buck Creek State Park and John Bryan State Park are now reporting near peak fall color. This is color showing anywhere from 30-60 percent of the forest, according to ODNR.

If you see the beauty of fall in your neighborhood, don’t forget to share your photos with us!

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The days getting shorter and a transition to cooler weather through fall signals trees to stop producing chlorophyll. This allows their true colors to show! Extended temperature outlooks for the end of the month are showing temperatures at or below normal which should help move the tree change along.