Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast: Weathering the Autism Storm

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This week on Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast, Kirstie and McCall sat down with a fellow meteorologist and vlogger, JP Kalb. JP is a west coast meteorologist who started his own Vlog: Weathering the Autism Storm to be both educational about weather but also give people an inside look into his life as an Autistic meteorologist.

JP writes, edits and runs his own social media for his Youtube Vlog. He has already done some very interesting episodes with topics ranging from thunderstorms to how to make his favorite Christmas cookie!

He is a passionate meteorologist who has a gift when it comes to data analysis. JP shared more about some weather projects he is working on with McCall and Kirstie as well as his goals for his Vlog for both the Autistic and neurotypical community.

Don’t forget to watch this episode on our FREE WHIO Streaming App for your Smart TV. Please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcast, Google Play and Stitcher.