Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast: Pittsburgh meteorologist talks about flash flooding & winter snow

Just a state away in Pennsylvania, weather isn’t too different from Ohio. Four seasons are felt each year, but the terrain plays a big role in their forecasts.

Weather extremes when it comes to snow and flooding, make for a challenging area to live and forecast in.

From snow to flash flooding, the Pittsburgh area is a tough spot to nail down a forecast. Harbaugh shares some humbling experiences he has dealt with over the years and teaches us about how important the microclimates are in his region.

>> Listen: Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast A Podcast for weather fans 

Meteorologist McCall Vrydaghs and Kirstie Zontini sat down to chat with Scott Harbaugh, morning meteorologist from WPXI in Pittsburgh. He shares what he has learned as a broadcast meteorologist in the last 25 years.

He shares candid stories from the job and opens up about the moment he knew he fell in love with meteorology. Check out the episode now!

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