Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast: Heavy Rains & Climate Change

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Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast is back with a new episode in the climate change series! The week Chief Meteorologist McCall Vrydaghs and Meteorologist Kirstie Zontini sat down with Bernadette Woods Placky the Chief Meteorologist and Climate Matters Director at Climate Central. Climate Central is a policy-neutral 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is made up of scientists and communicators. They research and report the facts about climate change and all the impacts it is having on people’s lives.

Woods Placky leads up the Climate Matters portion of the group which analyzes, creates graphics and provides resources to other meteorologists and journalists across the country. Before working at Climate Central, Woods Placky spent years in the broadcast field as a meteorologists working at TV stations in Arkansas, Maryland and Kentucky.

On this episode, she highlight some of the data pointing to the connection between our warmer climate and more frequent and intense heavy rain events. She also talked more about the connectivity between climate change and the impacts it has on people, infrastructure and resources across the country. Learn more about our changing climate here.