Calendar set for 2022-2023 meteor showers

DAYTON — Who doesn’t love to do some stargazing? Plan the best time to be outside with our meteor shower guide!


A great summer meteor shower! It will be active July 14-September 1. The peak this year is August 11-12.


50-75 meteors per hour could occur during the peak. This year there will be a full moon so it will block some of the dim meteors.

This meteor shower is active most of fall. September 26-November 22 this shower is active. The peak night will be October 20-21.

The Orionids produce about 10-20 meteors per hour. The moon won’t block much this year.

Southern & Northern Taurids

These two showers are active September-December. There is a peak for the Northern Taurids November 11-12 and the Southern Taurids November 4-5.

These showers are known for producing fireballs! The moon will be nearly full during the peak nights.


This shower can produce outbursts but one isn’t expected this year. The peak is November 17-18. The moon will be about 35% full.


This meteor shower is worth braving the cold for! It is one of the strongest and peaks December 13-14. This year the moon will be nearly full.


This shower doesn’t produce many meteors, only about 5-10 per hour.

It peaks close to the Geminids so that can allow for a slight increase in the chance to see shooting stars around Christmas. The peak is December 21-22.


This meteor shower will ring in the New Year! It peaks January 2-3. In dark skies this shower can produce about 25 meteors per hour.

This year the moon will be pretty bright.


This meteor shower peaks April 21-22. It is active April 15-April 29. The moon will be very thin which will help to see meteors.

This shower also is known to produce fireballs!