Officials warn residents about Beavercreek ponzi scheme

A Beavercreek company is scamming Miami Valley residents, according to the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

The bureau warned f it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Beavercreek-based company Paying Nothing-Profit For Life is claiming residents can turn a one-time payment of $95 into $5,000 monthly.

The bureau warned this is a classic pyramid scheme. BBB officials said they received multiple inquiries about the business from potential customers, according to a news release.

According to an investigation, the bureau learned the company isn’t registered with the Ohio Secretary of State. BBB staff reached out to the company for additional information by mail and phone and have received no response.

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BBB has given the company an “F” rating. The bureau rates companies from an “A+” to a failing ranking.

RELATED: Starbucks, car wash set to open in Beavercreek

“Who wouldn’t want ‘to turn a one time payment of only $95 into $5000 over and over again?” said John North, president and CEO of the BBB in Dayton. “The problem is if this plan were true why is the promoter sharing it with everyone instead of reaping the rewards by himself. Don’t fall for claims that you can ‘live a richer, better life’ by participating in these types of plans.”

The company could not be reached for comment by phone.