Xenia police issue warning after counterfeit money seizure

XENIA — Xenia police are warning people to look out for counterfeit cash.

"We're seeing 10s, 20s, 50s and $100 bills being passed," said Det. David Wilson with the Xenia Police Department.

The bogus bills are showing up at local businesses, including United Dairy Farmers, Taco Bell and Stan's One Stop.

Police said some of the counterfeit bills look real, but others have strange ink marks and foreign letters and numbers.

"We've also had some complaints at banks," said Wilson.

"We had one that went through our ATM," said Mike Collins, owner of Stan's One Stop. "We didn't detect it. That's how good some of the bills are that are coming in now."

He said he teaches his clerks to look for counterfeit cash, because collecting it can be costly.

"You're out of the face value of the bill and out the merchandise, whether it's inside or outside sales," Collins said.

A lot of places still use a pen to detect fake bills, but some businesses have upgraded technology and are using machines.

"We will lay a bill underneath it and it magnifies, shows a little mag strip and brings out the water marks," Collins said.

Police said many of the counterfeit bills have the same serial number and the people trying to use them may act unusual.

"Most people are passing in a rush," said Wilson. "They know they're passing a fake bill."

Counterfeit money often has a unique texture. Look for color shifting ink, water marks and a security thread, which all real bills have.

If you're handling cash, personally or professionally, police say slow down, inspect each bill and if it feels or looks strange start asking questions.