Power restored for Springboro customers, schools


Power has been restored.

UPDATE @ 1:15 p.m.

Duke crews have just arrived on the scene of the outage and are currently assessing the situation, the spokesman said. There is no estimate on when power will be restored.

An equipment malfunction is being investigated as a possible cause of a power outage that has knocked out power to 700 Duke Energy customers, including several schools in Springboro, according to a Duke spokesman.

Power has been knocked out to all Springboro City School buildings except Five Points Elementary, according to a one-call sent to parents.

Classes will continue as normal and there will not be an early dismissal, according to the district.


The Springboro junior and senior high school buildings are currently without power, according to a school district spokesperson.

The outage occurred around 12:20 p.m. but additional details were not immediately available.

District officials are working to determine the next course of action for students.

Additional details were not available.

We’ll update this page as we learn more.