Power restored to most in Miami, Greene counties

UPDATE @ 1:18 p.m.:

Power has been restored to over 2,000 people in Miami and Greene counties after outages Monday afternoon.

Over 1,100 customers in Miami County and over 900 customers in Greene County were without power this afternoon.

The outages in Miami County were reported near and around Troy around 11:30 a.m. AES-Ohio is estimating the power to be restored around 1 p.m., according to the company’s website.

AES-Ohio said they are looking into what caused the outages and will give News Center 7 more information as it becomes available.

The outages in Greene County were reported near and around the village of Cedarville around 11:15 a.m. and estimated time for restoration is around 1 p.m., AES-Ohio reported.