Ohio Task Force 1 told to be prepared to redeploy for Hurricane Irma

UPDATE @ 5:15 p.m.: Ohio Task Force 1 has been informed that it needs to be prepared to redeploy for Hurricane Irma. The team has not received any official orders to deploy.

OH-TF1 spokesman Phil Sinewe said more details about any future deployment relative to Hurricane Irma will be shared “as soon as we have them.”

RELATED: The latest on Hurricane Irma

Ohio Task Force 1 will deploy for Hurricane Irma, however will return to Dayton to regroup and create a roster for the next deployment, according to a spokesman.


“Many of you have asked about OH-TF1 and Hurricane Irma. FEMA continues to watch and plan for Irma very carefully,” according to a spokesman. “OH-TF1 has been informed that they will redeploy for Irma.”

RELATED: Ohio Task Force 1 demobilized and returning home after Harvey

The specifics of Ohio Task Force 1’s deployment have not yet been assigned, but the team “will arrive home tonight and is fully prepared to mobilize immediately.”

The team expects to have time to regroup in Dayton for at least a day before they receive official deployment orders.