West Carrollton man, a captive of N. Korea in 2014, reacts to release of detainees

West Carrollton resident Jeffrey Fowle, held prisoner in North Korea for six months in 2014, reacted to news today that three more American detainees have been set free.

RELATED: Americans were freeD 1 hour before flight out of Pyongyang

“These guys have been detained at least a year, maybe two years in one guy’s case. They’re, I’m sure, they’re ready to come home,” he said.

Fowle was arrested in May 2014, accused of deliberately leaving a Bible in a club restroom in the northern port city of Chongjin. He was released in October 2014.

RELATED: Jeffrey Fowle’s family greets him at WPAFB

RELATED: North Korea to prosecute detained West Carrollton man

“It was a 22-hour ride from Pyongyang back here to Dayton, in all, almost all over water,” he said. “The anticipation of coming back home, being with family, getting back to the United States was worth any longer than normal wait.”

Fowle was able to return to his normal routine. Moraine City Council granted him his job back with the city street department.

“I made a pretty easy transition back here to life in the United States,” said Fowle, who noted that his faith sustained him.

Fowle said he’s “guardedly optimistic” the release and upcoming talks with the United States are signs of a better tomorrow.

“There’s a change in climate politically, which is good,” he said.

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