‘It’s a nightmare;’ Area Kia owner has car stolen for second time amid ongoing social media trend

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DAYTON — A phenomenon that started on social media has sparked a crime wave that is flooding into the new year.

Car thefts increased last July when the “Kia Challenge” became popular on social media platforms and it hasn’t slowed down since. Dayton police are fighting the crime wave, but a lot of car owners that have to park on the street or in driveways are still being victimized.

News Center 7 spoke with Donald Trapps Friday after he go a not-so-welcomed knock on the door at 2:00 a.m. It was then that Dayton police told him they had chased his vehicle until it crashed and the people inside it jumped out and ran. Trapps didn’t even know his Kia was missing.

He told us this was the second time it had been stolen.

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“I’m trying to figure out, ‘How do they keep stealing my car,’” Trapps said. “I’ve made up my mind; I have to get another brand.”

Lt. Randy Beane helps lead the newly formed Grand Theft Auto Suppression Task Force, Dayton police’s response team to the problem. Many nights team members sport stolen cars and try to stop them, but the people inside of them rarely pull over.

“A lot of times these are teens. They don’t possess the best driving skills already to drive at high speeds,” Beane said.

Typically, Dayton police sees under 1,000 car thefts per year. They reported 1,500 car thefts and attempted thefts last year. 662 of those involved Kia and Hyundai vehicles.

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Tapps told News Center 7 that the social media trend inspiring the theft of Kias and Hyundais makes it tough for working folks and he doesn’t like being part of a sad wave of statistics.

“We’ll bounce back, but it’s sad to wake up and you don’t have a car for the second time,” he said. “It’s a nightmare.”

Dayton police told News Center 7 that drivers that have to park outside should always make sure they lock they vehicles. They also strongly recommend investing in an immobilization device for your vehicle.