Fighting frostbite: How to spot the signs

The cold can be downright dangerous for anyone working or playing in the snow for extended periods of time.

It’s inevitable to avoid the frigid temperatures and it doesn’t take much for someone to get frostbite.

In fact, it’s their job to remove what Mother Nature leaves behind.

For example, at about zero degrees and with wind speeds at about 10 mph, you can potentially get frostbite if you’re outside for 30 minutes or less.

For the workers at Eddie’s Lawn & Landscaping, there’s no escaping the winter weather.

With bitterly cold temperatures and wind chill, Joe Duffield knows staff is at risk for frostbite.

“We’ve been especially busy for the last two weekends,” he said.

“Since they are out in this cold they are allowed to take breaks in the trucks when they do get cold,” he said. “We work with them. We know it takes a little longer to get the job done, but we try to create a safe environment for our employees.”

Some signs of frostbite include tingling or numbness in your hands or feet and your skin turning red.

Superficial frostbite can cause swelling and even blisters.

In extreme cases, your skin can turn white or a bluish gray. You can also lose sensation in your limbs.

Duffield said it’s not fun working in the cold and gave kudos to those who do.

“I have a lot of respect for people who work outside because we’re in this together,” he said.

While it can be hard to work through the cold, Duffield tries to focus on warmer days.

“These temperatures are extreme and we’re thankful that they’re just temporary and there’s warmer weather coming,” he said. “That’s what we have to look forward to.”

But while it’s still cold, make sure to layer up with loose clothing and don’t forget the hats, scarves and gloves.