Dayton Crayons to Classrooms receives $25,000 grant from State Farm

Crayons to Classrooms has received a $25,000 State Farm Neighborhood Assist grant to help improve their community.

4.5 million votes by 167,000 people across the country were cast to support their favorite causes, according to a release. As a result, 40 communities in 19 states will get a $25,000 grant from State Farm.

“State Farm is here to help life go right in neighborhoods all across the country. We look forward to seeing the changes in these 40 communities because of these Neighborhood Assist grants,” said Dayton State Farm Agent Linda Nervis.

Dayton Crayons to Classrooms (DC2C) were in the top 40 causes for 2018. They help bring relief to teachers and students’ families by offering a retail-style store where teachers can obtain school supplies and educational material for free, read the release.

The grant from State Farm will help DC2C expand their reach to 126 schools in the Greater Dayton region.

State Farm Neighborhood Assist is a crowd-sourced philanthropic program that empowers communities to identify issues in their neighborhoods, the release stated. Since the program started seven years ago, more than 250 causes have received a total of $7 million to help change their communities.

For a complete list of this year's top 40 causes, visit