Cloudy With a Chance of Podcast: Ohio Valley Rivers

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This week on Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast, Chief Meteorologist McCall Vrydaghs talks about how this record-breaking wet year has had an impact on the rivers in southwest Ohio. Vrydaghs spoke with Ryan Fliehman, a hydrometeorologist for the Ohio River Forecast Center with the National Weather Service, to get the answers.

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Fleihman has worked at the NWS offices in Tucson, Ariz., Spokane, Wash., and now in Wilmington, Ohio, where he is in charge of river forecasting for the Ohio River Valley.

Vrydaghs also talks to Fleihman about the concerns of runoff and erosion of unfarmed fields could have on the river system.

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You can find the local river levels and forecasts for the entire country on the National Weather Service website here:

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