Cincinnati Zoo lifting mask requirements for fully-vaccinated guests starting Wednesday

CINCINNATI — The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden announced they are changing some of its mask requirements on June 2 in accordance with changes to COVID restrictions by the CDC and local health officials.

Zoo officials say they are lifting most mask-wearing requirements for fully-vaccinated guests and employees.

Unvaccinated guests should continue to wear masks, and masks will only be required in some close human-animal contact areas, the zoo said.

Zoo officials say they are pursuing vaccinations for animals that participate in all of these programs and are planning to lift restrictions once they are protected.

“Pack a mask if you want to participate in giraffe feedings, pet a goat, or interact with the Galapagos tortoises,” said Cincinnati Zoo director Thane Maynard. “They will also be required for private animal encounters and behind-the-scenes tours.”