Springfield murder-suicide: Grief counselors available for Northeastern schools students

SPRINGFIELD — Days after their mother and sister were gunned down by their stepfather, who turned the gun on himself, two Northeastern schools students are getting lots of support from the district and the community.

John Kronour, superintendent of Northeastern schools, said Thursday that people in the district are supporting each other during this said time. He said grief counselors are available for students because this is a tragedy that directly impacts the school community.

“Obviously, this tragedy has affected our district directly and we have had counselors in place staff members stepping up helping our kids to deal with this tragedy and trying to support our kids in whatever way they need,” he said.

Of the three surviving Heiser sisters, one graduated from Kenton Ridge High School last year, another a currently a sophomore at the high school and the third is a seventh grader in the district, officials said. All three were in the home Tuesday night when their stepfather, Eric Sirons, shot Andrea and their mother, Jennifer Sirons, police said.

Related: Springfield shooting: Alleged gunman faced previous stalking accusations

“It was extremely shocking,” said Amiee Litwiller, a Kenton Ridge graduate. “Because it’s a — we’re kind of a small community and you always think this kind of stuff is never going to happen.”

Related: Springfield murder-suicide: 3 teens were hiding as shooting occurred
The Sirons-Heiser family is well-known in Clark County, so several people are grieving. Steve Gibson of Springfield said his oldest daughter went to school with Andrea Heiser.

“I think Andrea was a year older than her but she knew her,” Gibson said. “Great girl. Never caused any problems with anybody. Just a tragedy what happened.”