Homeless men paid for sex video posted on Twitter

A local man posted video on Twitter of two men having sex outdoors in the Oregon District.

The Twitter user claims he paid the two homeless men in the video to perform the act.

Now Dayton Police Street Crimes Unit is investigating for possible charges of sex trafficking against the Twitter user who posted the video.

The leader of a local non-profit group whose mission is to fight the sex trade in our area said what this Twitter use did was wrong.

Other Twitter users asked the man to remove the post. One replied “you’re an embarrassment to this city.”

“What this person is doing to these people is criminal absolutely,” said Elizabeth Vandine, President of the non-profit Be Free Dayton.

Vandine said she believes these men were exploited.

She warned tech savvy individuals are using technology to exploit people and meet the demand for this kind of lewd material online.