UD, Miami University hold student vaccine clinics Sunday

The University of Dayton and Miami University are holding student vaccine clinics Sunday.

Several other area universities and colleges have also announced COVID-19 vaccination clinics for students that began as early as Thursday.

>>PREVIOUS REPORT: College campus vaccine clinics to start in Ohio

Clinics are also set to begin in Indiana Thursday for students of Indiana University East and Ivy Tech Community College Richmond, according to a Reid Health spokesperson. Both of those clinics will open Thursday at the IU East campus and will be open to only students, faculty, staff, and parents of students.

Wright-State, Miami, and the University of Dayton all announced vaccine clinics will begin in the next several days, with thousands of appointments available for sign-up. Previously, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said he wanted to have vaccines available for all Ohio college students, regardless of the state they permanently reside in, have the ability to sign up for a vaccine before the end of the spring semester.

A separate clinic for Earlham College will open next week.

>>RELATED: College campuses holding vaccine clinics, increasing state’s vaccination numbers

Wright-State will start student-only clinics Thursday through the Student Health Services and Wright State Physicians. Students 18-years-old and up will receive the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Students interested in signing up for a clinic are asked to call 937-245-7200 or sign up through the Wright State Physicians patient portal.

Miami University will begin vaccine clinics April 10, 11, and 16 and will administer the two-dose Pfizer vaccine, a university spokesperson said. Second dose appointments will be scheduled May 1, 2, 6, and 8.

Students living on campus will have the first opportunity to sign up and register for an appointment. Second in line will be those taking in-person of hybrid classes, and then opened up to all students if appointments remain available.

Miami students will be notified by email on how to sign up. The Miami spokesperson noted the vaccine is voluntary and not required, however its strongly encouraged.

The University of Dayton has received a shipment of 2,000 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for a student vaccine clinic April 11 at UD Arena. The clinic will be operated through a partnership with Premier Health and will be open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

In a message to students and staff members, UD officials said the school is working on obtaining more vaccine doses for faculty, staff, and students and will provide updates when they are available.

UD students received an email Wednesday with details on how to sign up for the Sunday clinic.