
Lengthy legal battle over controversial local historic building just got even longer

TROY — A status hearing took place Friday to determine the next steps for the Troy Tavern building after a court-ordered structural assessment was released.

A decision was not made Friday on whether the building will stay or go — but a federal agency may now be involved.

“The only EPA regulation regarding mixed debris has to do with radioactive material. Obviously, you wouldn’t want to have removed as quickly as possible. I can’t find any other reason why you would want to have that removed,” Jeremy Tomb, Troy’s city attorney said.

Tomb argued that the bricks in the dumpster were not property inspected.

>> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Hearing scheduled to discuss next steps of historic Troy building

We reported that the owner of the Troy Tavern, Randy Kimmels, tried to demolish the building in March.

James Greer, Kimmels’ attorney stated the debris had no reason to remain on the property.

“Our client continues to pay the rental for this container that contains this trash. There is really no reason to continue this other than punitive against our client,” Greer said.

After the hearing News Center 7 spoke to residents about how they feel about the delays, and the fact that parts of downtown will continue to be blocked off.

“It doesn’t really bother me, it is what it is I guess I mean what are you going to do?,” John Buelow said.

While Breanna Groves felt differently.

“It’s really frustrating, I have to wait an extra 10 minutes just to get through traffic. That always adds time and I only live seven minutes away from here,” Groves said.

Groves is excited to see what it will be next, once the issue is resolved.

“Hopefully they bring something new and thriving because Troy is really up and coming so I’m excited to see what they bring,” she said.,

The next court hearing will be on Oct. 20 and until then no work will happen to the building.

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